Birth to three
Let the learning adventure begin!
Lesson 1 Title
Introduce your lesson with an optional, short summary. You can edit this excerpt in lesson settings.
Introduce your lesson with an optional, short summary. You can edit this excerpt in lesson settings.
Lesson 2 Title
Introduce your lesson with an optional, short summary. You can edit this excerpt in lesson settings.
Introduce your lesson with an optional, short summary. You can edit this excerpt in lesson settings.
The past decades have seen the emergence of surprising and interesting new knowledge about the social-emotional development of infants and toddlers. Below, we summarize findings that help us gain new respect for, and new determination to support, the growth and development of very young children.
Honig, A. S., & Wittmer, D. S. (2017). Infants and Toddlers: What Have We Learned from Research on Social-emotional Development? Exchange (19460406), 233, 51–56.
Little Kids Club
Ages 0-3
Our Little Kids program is full of hands-on activities and educational prompts that can be completed together.